Being A “Good Girl”

Being A “Good Girl”

April’s Story: I was raised in a religious home. We went to church, but I spent most of the time counting the organ pipes at the front, anxiously waiting for the service to end. I have no real memory of reading the bible at home or talking about Jesus. I was...
Warm Fuzzies

Warm Fuzzies

Linda’s Story: My childhood home didn’t necessarily overflow with warm fuzzies.There were many fun times with my father, but my mother suffered from undiagnosed mental illness that caused all of us to walk on eggshells. I knew my parents loved me in their own...

I Didn’t Think I Needed to Change

Amanda’s Story: I’ve always been a perfectionist. In first grade I had a huge stack of unfinished worksheets in my desk because I didn’t want to turn them in until they were flawless. I grew up believing that if I worked hard enough at something, I...
Cursing My Cancer

Cursing My Cancer

Geneva’s Story: I was diagnosed with colon cancer in my late 40’s after having a colonoscopy. A picture of the tumor was given to me and the doctor explained that the tumor was too large to remove during the procedure because it was the size of an orange....
My Island Life

My Island Life

Renee’s Story: I decided to reinvent myself by moving to a Caribbean island at age 29. I managed a gift shop and also was an ocean kayak tour guide. There were a few local guides and one specifically caught my eye. We began spending time together, and eventually...
Mercy in Messiness

Mercy in Messiness

Christel’s Story: Born and raised in Belgium in a family of Catholic believers, I was a very sensitive and clumsy child which made everyday life difficult. I also found it hard to accept myself. Although I attended church every Sunday with my family, I...