Unfailing Power

Unfailing Power

Rebecca’s Story:  I know exactly what I would have thought if I lived in Montana: “We get snow all the time with frigid temperatures. Those people down South will be just fine.” When the news forecasted snow, I thought the same way. The snow would fall—maybe...
Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

  Morgan’s Story: When I applied to college, I wanted to pursue a theology or communications degree, but those plans failed the practicality test. Instead, I chose education for its reliable career path and relegated theology to a minor. Like Jacob in...
Suffering and Waiting

Suffering and Waiting

  Karen’s Story:  I had fallen apart several times. But at the age of 39, I shattered into a million pieces. I call this time “my exile.” I have bipolar disorder. The symptoms began in my late teens and worsened over time while I remained under-diagnosed...
Relapse Into Fear

Relapse Into Fear

  Sandra’s Story: The night before surgery, I lay in bed with two preschoolers snuggled on either side. Tiny heads rested on my shoulders. Thumbs plugged in their mouths, they clutched their favorite blankies—pink bunny and blue bear. I savored the sweet...
A Grand Purpose

A Grand Purpose

  Sarah’s Story: “God saved you for something big,” Aunt Barb said after I recounted my story. Her words agitated the lump in my throat. I voiced a quiet affirmative before dashing off to check my pulse and locate my EpiPen. Three months prior, my body had...
Refugee for God’s Kingdom

Refugee for God’s Kingdom

  Anahita’s Story:  Every year my mom traveled from our home country in the Middle East to Germany to visit my uncle. One year after my uncle invited her to church, my mom heard about forgiveness and salvation through the death and Resurrection of Jesus,...