Jerrie’s Story: When I was little, Mom and Dad would hold my hands and lift me off the ground as we crossed a wooden bridge from the parking lot to our church. I loved the sound when I clomped down and hit the wooden boards with my shoes. I would squeal...
Marianne’s story: In November 2017, I contracted the flu, which set off an autoimmune response in my body. Even after I recovered from the flu, I was tired and achy all the time. The sporadic nerve pain symptoms I had experienced since childhood were now...
Heidi’s Story: I felt like David in Psalm 23: my cup overflowed, and God was leading me to still waters. So what if I had had an abusive childhood, jumped right into an abusive marriage, lost my second husband in a helicopter crash, raised a disabled child...
Rachel’s Story: After having two boys biologically, my husband and I sensed God’s call to pursue adoption. We first researched foster-to-adopt, but my husband’s job as a small-town pediatrician often involved foster cases and presented a conflict of interest....
Jennifer’s Story: The steps creaked beneath my feet. My heels dangled off the edge of the platform. I crossed my arms over my chest. Inhale. Exhale. I leaned backwards. And I dropped. I watched the world spin as I fell six feet into the arms of my friends. My...
Patty’s Story: When he was four, my oldest child leaned over to his preschool Bible teacher and whispered, “Jesus never un-loves us.” This wisdom imparted to me from my own son continues to sing over me six years later. Sadly, the earliest words I heard were...