Change Your Focus

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NIV

Today is my Dad’s birthday. I just wrapped up a few things that I thought he might enjoy and not buy for himself. What did I get him last year? I can’t remember the gift, but I remember the time we spent together, the lifelong friends who were there and all the stories shared. The backdrops for the stories have faded. The houses are filled by strangers, the cars are gone, the children are adults and the infamous pets have passed. Only memories remain. The character-defining moments are the most memorable. You know, the not-so-great moments at the time, the difference makers.

Who are the difference makers in your life? Who is courageous enough to tell you what you don’t want to hear, call your bluff, and sacrifice your affection for truth. If you are willing to listen, they are the ones who stand with you until the difference is made.

Are you are difference maker? Difference making is tough. It requires abandoning popularity and comfort, and going against the grain for a greater good. It requires a constant focus on the eternal.

What are you doing in the next 24 hours? Will it make a difference for you or someone else? Will it have short-term or eternal impact? These are piercing questions if you answer them honestly.

When I think of making a difference in the world it’s usually associated with something bigger than me. The Peace Corps, Habitat for Humanity, and other big humanitarian organizations come to mind. I’m just one person, how can I be a difference maker? How can I deal with every responsibility that faces me and keep my focus on making a difference for eternity? The answer is found in the Word of God, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” It requires changing your focus. It’s easier said than done.

Paul got it right. He was a difference maker with relentless focus. But, he didn’t get it right until he met someone bigger than him, Jesus Christ. Before they met Paul was famous for killing Christians. We may not be able to relate to such harsh sin, but we know how easy it is to grow lukewarm for the faith and shy away from opportunities to advance the kingdom, especially if it takes us out of our comfort zone. The Son of God died for both. Paul turned to Jesus, received forgiveness, took a stand for Christ and never looked back. Even though he was imprisoned, beaten, flogged and stoned many times, he kept his one focus – His “concern for all the churches.”

What visible concerns could you lay down today?

How would your next 24 hours change if you shifted your focus from temporary distractions and fixed your eyes on the unseen?

How could you speak courageously into someone’s life today?

In His Unfailing Love,

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