Does God Care About What I Like?

Psalm 145:19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them

 “Lord, please show me again that You know what I like.” My weary heart whispered. With the majority of my things in storage I had been living with a friend for a year and a half to save money. After years of crying out to God for our hearts desires for marriage, my dear friend reconnected with a guy friend and they were engaged and planning a wedding. I was preparing to celebrate my friend’s special occasion and looking for a place to live. Not having many personal belongings around me as well as feeling forgotten by God in the area of romance made it harder. I longed for a fresh experience of a Father who knows me and wants to give me what I desire.

To add to the transition I was looking for a car. My 12+ year old Honda showed many signs of being on its last wheel – unable to pass inspection without thousands of dollars in repairs. I went after the car search with all my gusto – looking for “the” deal since raising funds for a living means limited resources and avoiding car payments. I knew I wanted a small SUV but didn’t know the exact make and model.

I made multiple trips to Texas Direct Auto and drove quite a few SUVs which drove the sales guy to give me “the irritated look.” I dug for the hidden options by going to rental car agencies to drive some of their cars. I scoured Craig’s list, and spent countless hours reading the reviews of the various SUVs by satisfied and disgruntled buyers. After hearing the “laments,” I didn’t want to buy any vehicles as every “tried and true” manufacturer had some major issue at one point.

I became a bit obsessed with my search – looking and looking –  and grew very worn out. I thought, “This is not of God when I become frantic and exhausted!” I prayed once again, telling God I was going to quit looking and that He knew my heart – to have a car I really liked and to also avoid a car payment.

While test driving multiple SUVs, I was drawn toward one in particular. AND it wasn’t the SUV I originally thought I wanted. Because I drive my cars until they can go no more, I wanted a car “with all the zip.” Not only one that drives well, but also has comfort and cool features like seat warmers and leather. I realize these aren’t third world problems!

I arrived at my PO Box to pick up mail. I had let my supporters of the ministry know about giving toward my need for a car. However, since it was already January, and most gave during December so they could receive credit for donations in the same year, I didn’t expect to receive further gifts. To my delight and surprise, there was a check for a large sum of money –  more than I’d ever received! Stunned I called my friend to express overwhelming gratitude. She told me she and her husband received some unexpected funds and they were “having fun” giving them away.

The very next morning I planned to meet a friend for breakfast. As I got out of my car at the same time she drove up I realized she owned the exact vehicle I’d come to really like. I asked how she enjoyed driving it. She said she really liked it and wondered if I had found a car because she and her husband were moving to South America for a job transition and selling her SUV!

The rest of the story is an amazing account of buying my friend’s SUV and God providing the means to do so without a car payment. Not to mention a beautiful vehicle with all the “zip.” My friend had bought the car with all the upgrades and a warranty to boot that could be transferred to me. I didn’t even think to pray for that!

I sensed the Lord’s voice, “Not only do I know what you like, I know you better than you know yourself. You became aware of the SUV you liked as you searched for a car so you were able to recognize My provision when it arrived. I was working all along and setting into motion the circumstances to deliver My gift to you. My daughter, I love you and delight in you knowing Me better through My good gifts. I can do far more than you expect.

I am confident God desires to show you and me that He cares about what we like. It doesn’t mean we receive the fulfillment of every longing- yet His care in giving tangible gifts that are stamped with His fingerprints provides faith to trust Him for those things we don’t understand. Savor the verses below about God’s heart for our desires:

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 145:16 Thou dost open Thy hand and dost satisfy the desire of every living thing.

Psalm 20:4  May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your counsel!


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