Faith & a Flood Part 2

The entry below was originally posted on May 29, 2015. Here we are 11 months later dealing with another flood.

It is good to go back and read what I wrote the first time and be reminded that God has purposes for us in EVERYTHING. That includes two floods in a year. My job is not to try to figure out why He has allowed this but to trust that God can bring something good out of it. I am once again reminded that His ways and thoughts are higher and so much better than mine (Is. 55:8-9).

Let’s seek to trust God when His purposes perplex us. Let’s trust in His goodness no matter what. Let’s remember His unfailing love for His children. Let’s press on.



“…Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1b-2a

Our house flooded in the middle of the night three days ago. Around 11:00 at night I was up with my husband looking out the window at the rising water when I felt something cold and liquid on my feet. That was the beginning. In it came.

Water in the dining room.

Water in the garage.

Suddenly water in every room as my husband and I stacked furniture and rolled up rugs.

I peeked in on our 5 year old who slept peacefully still sporting the cheetah face paint from the Memorial Day party we had attended just hours before. Our infant nestled safely in his crib slept peacefully. All while the water rose.

We started by putting a few towels down where the water was coming in. A few hours later the towels were floating in six-eight inches of water. On a funny note– because keeping your sense of humor in this situation is critical– it’s kind of hilarious looking back. Like we were using toilet paper to try to soak up massive amounts of water.

So here we are in the aftermath displaced from our home and still a little dazed and confused. But we are ok. We will get through this and we have many, many things to be thankful for.

This month’s blog topic is faith. Weeks ago I had chosen the verse I wanted to ponder (above) and I had written a post about the races we are all running and our efforts to not grow weary in the tough times. But as I thought more about it, I couldn’t help but apply this verse to our current situation. The flood is now a part of the race we are running. How will we fix our eyes on Jesus in the midst of this? How will He use this to perfect our faith?

He was in control of all the wind and water and never took His eyes off of us during the storm. He could’ve changed the course of the storm and it could have missed us all together. But it didn’t. This is still a part of His plan. Our faith is tested but we do not despair. We are safe. We have no injuries. We have a wonderful place to stay nearby with my inlaws where there is plenty of room and they are genuinely happy to have us. Our cars are running. We have had several friends offer to help. We have a repair company starting work and an insurance adjuster helping us (we are praying for favor). AND we have flood insurance (huge praise).

So we will press in and endure this inconvenience with grateful hearts. We unclench our fists from our worldly possessions and we learn it is truly just stuff. We trust that the Lord will somehow bring about good in this. We pray our faith grows as we experience once again the unwavering love and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. He will give us grace for the days ahead.

These situations are where the rubber meets the road in the Christian life. We can either shake our fists in frustration or surrender and believe in God’s goodness even in this. The dear families who have lost loved ones in Wimberley and the families of those who perished in Houston this week have had real losses. We remember them as we deal with our small situation. We are thankful that Jesus uses all things, including flooded homes, to show us more of Himself.


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