Faithfulness Surrounds You

Who is like you, Lord God Almighty?
    You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.  Psalm 89:8

Playing tennis competitively while growing up was a big boost. One of the down sides is that I injured my back and pain creeps up on me every so often. I had a big back attack a number of months ago. If you’ve had back issues, you know what I’m talking about – pain to the point that bending over to tie your shoes is a chore. I won’t talk about sitting on the toilet. There’s no position while trying to sleep which brings relief. I found a faithful companion in the back brace I bought at Walgreen’s. Thankfully I recovered with a renewed compassion for those who experience chronic pain and a renewed vision to join a gym.

I refer to the back brace as a faithful companion because it stuck to me and around me – literally- for weeks. I wore it as I took a four-hour road trip. I wore it underneath dressed up clothes to church and casual wear to the grocery store. Even though I got tired of having to re-adjust the Velcro it kept my muscles supported, giving them a chance to heal and reducing my pain!

Even though it’s an example on a small scale, the back brace reminds me of the faithfulness of God. The word faithful is defined as, “Deserving trust: keeping your promise or doing what you are supposed to do.” Jesus literally “surrounds” you and me when we place our faith in Him. No matter what the circumstances, He has promised to never leave or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5) His faithful demonstration of dying on the cross and rising again deserves our trust. (Romans 5:8)

Just like I had to position the back brace and participate in putting it on, we participate in experiencing His faithful love by affirming His hand on our story through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence. No matter what the chapter holds, you and I can declare our trust in Him.

Jesus is there to support and strengthen you sister. He is ready to show you His faithfulness even if you feel like you’ve let Him down or turned your back on Him. (II Timothy 2:13) Not only is He present but His faithful love means He desires to heal the pain and wounds in your life. (I Peter 2:24) The hurts that you’d rather not remember or look at or deal with, He wants to restore as you give Him the freedom to do so. Without Jesus’ perspective on wounds and the ability to give and receive His forgiveness, you may feel helpfulness to find your way out. He is never helpless but always a near and present help in time of need. (Psalm 46:1)

The final part of the definition of faithful is “doing what you are supposed to do.” Jesus always does what He is supposed to do. How do you know what He’s supposed to do? Take a look at His Word – He rescues, comforts, guides, encourages, strengthens, transforms, heals, fills, loves, and more. I encourage you to write Scripture on notecards which speak to God’s faithfulness in your story right now. Place them in visible areas around you and tell the Lord, “You are faithful and worthy of my trust. Thank you for this promise of ___________. Now you do what only you can do.”

Sister, may we be overwhelmed by the faithfulness of our God.



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