God’s Purposes in My Story

“I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me.”  Psalm 57:2

When it comes to dating and trusting God for a husband, I find fertile ground for “what if’s”. . . what if I would have agreed to being set up by my mother’s friend? What if I had been on “x” dating sites sooner or longer? What if I would have given “these guys” more of a chance? What if I attended a different church? What if I would have taken swing dancing lessons instead of salsa? Or worn my short dress instead of a longer one? Now I’m being facetious.

Seriously, though, if not careful, “what if” can drive me crazy. I mean it’s enough to sort out the mystery of singleness much less to ponder past scenarios which may or may not have produced a romantic relationship. I learned people worry because they think they have more control over the situation when their minds are filled with thoughts about it. I wonder if mulling over the “what if’s” produce the same sort of a false sense of control for the single person.

The reality remains that the timing behind dating and singleness in my story does not make sense.  I find great comfort in the truth of Psalm 57:2. I can “cry out” to God Most High. Did you catch the descriptor? God Most High. Think about a human pyramid and the person on top. There’s nothing or no one who has the view of our God who sees things from His higher vantage point.

God’s higher perspective can be thought of as Providence. Providence is one of those old terms which can be lost in translation. It basically refers to God’s purposeful hand and careful involvement over every moment of a believer’s life. The Puritan John Flavel expresses confidence in God’s providence:

“[Providence] goes through with its designs, and accomplishes what it begins. No difficulty so clogs it, no cross accident falls in its way, but it carries its design through it. Its motions are irresistible and uncontrollable.” Flavel goes on to explain there isn’t a sole circumstance or situation which will not result in “the true interest and good of the saints.” (Mystery of Providence, 19)

I definitely can’t wrap my mind around the mystery of God’s providence. I find myself seriously perplexed at times not only by the situations in my life but the lives of those around me and in our world. Certainly there are things we encounter which don’t seem “good.” At the same time, I can affirm with the psalmist God knows my every moment and cares for me in the details even when facing difficulty and deficits.

When it comes to thinking about my story, I can be confident God’s purposes will be accomplished in every chapter  whether He calls me to walk through:

singleness or marriage

pain or good health

financial security or financial drain

terror attacks or safety

When I am tempted to think my decisions can hinder God’s plan, I can let go of “what if” and cry out to God Most High, affirming His work behind the scenes to fulfill His purposes in and through my life.



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