He is With You

“But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!” 2 Chronicles 20:17, NLT. Italics mine.

Losing a friend can feel like torture. It pains me greatly especially when I have devoted myself completely to the relationship. The spiritual intimacy that once held a friendship together now breaks the hearts of two. What happened? What went wrong? Why now?

The ramifications that come with confrontations can produce huge losses. For that reason, I try to stay away from arguing or fighting with friends. Many times, I feel unprepared to deal with the casualties so I avoid it. Perhaps that’s my selfishness talking, but when it involves someone who I have come to love, I tend to shrink back hoping the crisis ahead will just disappear.

Consequently, I justify my thinking and I tell myself that if I create peace, then blessed am I, ‘cause Jesus said! Yet, deep inside I know, I have twisted God’s Word to make it fit into my life instead of it making me bend to do what He has called me to do.

Not too long ago a person once close to me decided to walk away from our friendship. Expectations had sneaked into our relationship and the unavoidable ensued. I knew the deep issue for both of us constituted a lack of trust, no grace and the inability to believe the best.

I had a choice to make. Leave it alone and pretend or stand firm and speak honestly. Truth has a way of always coming out and when it does, it either builds authenticity or destroys the superficial. The real test of any relationship involves truth—when you can sit and relate honestly with someone without fear. A friendship set on Jesus seldom moves when troubles come. If it shows up, you will always find yourself hand in hand on solid rock.

However, when you discover that your friendship stood on anything other than Christ, it’s just best to let God work. The fact is, God fights our battles and solves our relationship problems a whole lot better than we can. Therefore, we need to trust Him to work it all out. True friendships depend on Him and only on Him. And when His work dissipates a harmful relationship, we can rely on Him for healing. We can trust His sovereignty and faithfulness even when we hurt.

Scripture constantly tells us, “Don’t be afraid,” and “Don’t be discouraged.” Even when we face a seemingly impossible situation, we should take our positions and stand firm—fearless and confident. We may have huge losses in the end, but we know God has never lost a battle. No. He doesn’t lose battles.

What keeps you from letting God fight your battles for you? What do you fear? “Go out there tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!” I promise, He will remain with you every step of the way.

~ Raquel




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