He Listens

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.” Psalm 5:3

Earlier this year, Aiden, my 16-yr old son, said something very thought-provoking. He said, “I always believed God was real, but I never believed He listened.”  Never?  Wow.  It was a breath-catching statement to speak out loud about God, Elohim, the Creator of heaven and earth.  It made me ponder.  How many people are living hectic lives, with “never” in their minds, but desperate hope in their hearts that God does listen?   Thankfully, my son was bold enough to speak his thoughts aloud, but I wonder how many others are struggling with the same unspoken belief?  

Aiden made his statement after God showed Himself in an incredible display of power.  We were on the Double O trail, in the middle of a strenuous hike in Arches National Park.   We had started the 4-mile hike with gentle snow flurries in the air, but as the day wore on, the temperature had dropped below 30 degrees and we found ourselves hiking in a snow-sleet mess.  As we paused to catch our breath and take in our surroundings, I realized that the valley below us would have been a stunning view if it had not been shrouded in fog.  Without giving much thought to my words, I looked up to the heavens and prayed out loud, “Oh Father, if You would clear out the fog below us and allow a glimpse of Your beautiful valley, I would be so grateful.”  And God listened.

Within 10 seconds, the sound of a mighty rushing wind came out of heaven, across the mountain to the top of the valley where Aiden and I were standing.  The wind sounded like an 18-wheeler hurtling down a freeway and was so loud that Aiden was startled.  He turned around, and looked at the mountain behind him, asking “What is that?!”  The sound reminded me of the verse in Acts 2:2 when the Holy Spirit came and filled the disciples that were sitting together.  “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”   The mighty, rushing wind filled the valley and pushed the fog out; Aiden and I were able to see the beautiful scenery below.   It was an amazing, incredible display of God’s love and power.  Soon after, Aiden made his comment in awe, “I always believed that God was real, but I never believed He listened!”  Today, Aiden believes He listens. 

If you are one who is struggling with unspoken belief and doubt in your heart that God listens, can I offer some encouragement?  God knows your heart, struggles and doubts.   Look up, and ask Him to show you a fresh, new vision of Him.  God will be faithful to answer.  He listens.

Sacred Story is honored to have Tana Deshayes as a guest contributor. Tana is a Senior Advisor with Inspire Women, a faith-based organization located in Houston, TX which equips women to find their God-given purpose.  Following God’s call on her life, Tana retired from corporate America in 2019 after working 20+ years in the oil and gas industry.  She has a passion for teaching, encouraging and mentoring women in the workplace. Tana is honored to be the mother of two handsome young men who are “skillful in playing, mighty men of valor, men of war who are prudent in speech, and the Lord is with them.” (1 Sam. 16:18)

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