
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NIV

How many times do you hit snooze button? My ritual is twice, but this morning I wanted to keep hitting it. Was I tired? Was I trying to finish an epic dream? No. The truth is…I wanted to avoid failure. Let’s ignore the fact that I was failing to get out of bed.

As I was wallowing between pillow and alarm clock remembering failures from the day before, a voice from deep within my soul said, “I never fail.”  To be clear, this was not my voice.

God was reminding me that I am not alone.  And it just so happens that He who is with me is greater than he who is in the world.   The reference here is to God being greater than Satan. It is equally as important for us to be reminded that God is greater than humans, including me. He has a perfect and pleasing will for my life and the only thing holding me back… is me.

Instead of relying on our own resources and the things we can see, God invites us to peer into the super natural.  It’s easy to do that until it requires taking unnatural steps based on “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  For example, it’s easy to believe that heaven is real.  We only have to face it at the point of death, at which point we no longer have control anyway.  Until then we fight to control as much as possible.  We fight failure in our natural strength and reject the supernatural power of the One and Only, who never fails.

How can we believe heaven is real and make no room for the super natural in this life?  Who are we to relegate God to heaven and disarm Him of His power on this side of it?  It’s an ongoing struggle between HE and i.

I don’t like bumper stickers, but if I were forced to put one on my car it would be HE>I.  Have you noticed this one?  It was inspired in 2003 on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.  It’s not surprising to me this symbol was birthed on an island surrounded by ocean and sky, a place where man is dwarfed by magnificent creation.  In that place it is easier to confess “HE MUST BECOME GREATER AND GREATER; we must become less and less.”

When I’m drowning in daily pressures I make my to-do list bigger than His ocean, and my plan for success greater than His sovereignty.  Why do I give so much decision-making power to myself who has proven failure and take it away from the one who never fails? Because I can’t see God. I give more credit to my eyes than to the One who created them.

A little faith is required to believe in heaven. Great faith is required to believe God is with me right now. Tremendous courage is required to walk it out, especially when supernatural steps looks ridiculous compared to apparently logical solutions.

I have proven for myself many times that I>he = Failure.

Are you ready to try a new formula?

Are you willing to take a supernatural step that may appear ridiculous?

What do you fear most today?

In His Unfailing Love,


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