Sacred Story’s Library of Inspiring Women’s Stories

Sister we are in this together. Our library contains encouraging stories from women who, like you, walk through chapters of questioning, grieving, loving, hoping, and surrendering. We pray you will pass on stories because hope is contagious. Our Teaching Moments offer perspective about living your story in light of God’s Word. We love to hear how you are impacted by what you read.

Sacred Story Topics

Have a question about faith, want to share a comment or a prayer request? The team at Sacred Story Ministries cares about your questions and needs.

Leave a Question or Prayer Request

High School Hope

High School Hope

  Madison's Story: At age seventeen, my life revolved around the locker-lined hallways of high school. My narrow-minded view of the world saw only as far as my graduation date. Then my small world fell apart during my junior year. A nasty rumor about me spread...

God is Good When I Feel Lonely

God is Good When I Feel Lonely

  Have you ever wrestled with feelings of loneliness? Me too. Growing up as an only child, I became familiar with isolation from a young age. Moving away for college and starting life as a young single adult forced me to be self-sufficient quickly. I value my...

Life After Death of a Marriage

Life After Death of a Marriage

  Lauren's Story: For months, I had walked through the valley of the shadow of the death of my marriage, always holding on to hope. I believed the same God who raised his friend Lazarus from the grave would save my marriage. Yet it died—and along with it a part...

A Strategic New Job

A Strategic New Job

  Lettie’s Story: Even though I had been offered a partnership in my law firm, I was considering other job possibilities as if I were a person surveying a chess board for the smartest move. Surely the large ad in the Washington Post for a job paying over $125,000...

Eye Problems in God’s Hands

Eye Problems in God’s Hands

  Kate's Story: When I was in my late teens, I was diagnosed with a rare condition called a venous malformation behind my right eye. My condition resulted in chronic pain and swelling. Though non-cancerous, venous malformations grow over time, ballooning until...

Miscarriage, Grief and Worship

Miscarriage, Grief and Worship

  Heidi's Story: Three months after the birth of my first child, a healthy baby girl, I realized with surprise that another baby was forming inside of me. Fear, shock and confusion rushed for top billing in my mind. Though shock won at first, in a few weeks, my...

Abuse in the Family

Abuse in the Family

  Kelly's Story: I checked Caitlyn’s algebra test with the teacher’s book. Every answer was correct. Odd.  “Where’s your work to show for all the problems?” I asked.   “I did it,” she said. “It’s all in my notebook.” Her eyes darted across the dining room table....

Mixed Joy and Sadness

Mixed Joy and Sadness

  Sydney’s Story: “Happy—smile. Sad—frown. Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion!” urges Meg Ryan’s character in the 1995 movie French Kiss. Though this iconic scene endeared Meg Ryan to me forever, it always left me wondering, What about when...

Porn Betrayal and God’s Faithfulness

Porn Betrayal and God’s Faithfulness

  Hannah's Story: Two weeks after returning from my honeymoon, my husband confessed his continued use of pornography even in marriage. In an instant, my world turned upside down. Our newlywed bliss screeched to a halt. Instead of savoring those early months and...

Marriage, Mistakes and Mercy

Marriage, Mistakes and Mercy

  Kimberly's Story: As new empty nesters, my husband Tim and I had recently been through some difficult years in our marriage. We were at a crossroads, asking, “What’s next?”  Since our parents and adult children were all living on the east coast, we decided to...

Breakup, Bitterness and the Third Way

Breakup, Bitterness and the Third Way

  Emma’s Story: “I’m not in love with you,” my boyfriend said after over a year of dating. His words and the breakup that followed caused the world to shift under my feet. I could suddenly identify with Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice, twenty-something and...

Grief, Faith and Family

Grief, Faith and Family

  Nancy's Story: My sister Emily and I shared the same bedroom growing up and lived together after college. When she married and had young children, our relationship was fairly close. But after her children grew older and graduated from college, we only talked...

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these stories all true?

Yes, that’s the amazing thing about our library!

Do these stories come from time spent at your women’s retreats?

Sacred Story Retreats provide a proven framework to help a woman explain how faith in Jesus Christ impacts her life. Because we provide follow-up editing and help a woman finalize her story, many of the stories in our library are submitted from women who attended retreats.

Is there a way I can reach out to an author if I want to connect at a deeper level about her story?

Yes, we love to help women connect, so they know they are not alone. Usually, authors of stories are happy to talk with other women with questions. Please get in touch through the “Leave a Question or Prayer Request” option on this page.

Can I share an inspirational story without attending a Sacred Story retreat?

Yes, please get in touch with us at

Who writes your inspirational stories?

The stories are written by brave yet ordinary women like you.

Are all your inspirational stories written by Christian women?

We believe hope in Jesus Christ changes everything, so yes, the stories in our library are written by those who have witnessed His power and faithfulness. If you would like to talk further about how faith in Christ can make a difference in your story, please get in touch through the “Leave a Question or Prayer Request” option.

Download your free guide,5 Things to Include when Sharing your Story,and begin sharing your story with others.

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