Jesus the Majestic

When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” Psalm 8:4

Like an old black and white photo digitally restored with color, the Word of God this Christmas season has captivated my imagination. I have been visualizing the Nativity scene more clearly, seeing new angles, details, and glimmers of God’s glory. A great joy in my yearly rhythm with the Word is occasionally camping out in a certain passage or psalm over a number of days, soaking up all the spiritual nutrients possible. Over the past few weeks, Matthew 2 and Psalm 8 have spotlighted the story of the Magi, shaping the way I am viewing this season as resounding with God’s majesty.

The Magi left their comfortable, familiar environments to seek Jesus because they saw the star God had sovereignly placed in the sky and were overjoyed with what they found at the end of their journey. The heavens declared the glory of God and the stars proclaimed the work of his hands; His glory shown through the heavens he created, and he drew the Magi to himself and thus to worship. Worship must come after an encounter with Jesus; his majesty is too great for anything less than adoration from our hearts.

When they arrived, they found a small child at the center of a very humble environment- not at all what they had expected. However, the unexpected did not obscure the majesty of this king. John 1:3-4, speaking of Jesus, says, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” God’s kingdom coming into the world, the climax of restoration, hope, and victory over darkness for all humanity started with the birth of a small baby. Darkness was about to be silenced by the cries of an infant. The Magi gave the majestic child extravagant gifts fit for a king and reverently bow low in honor. They had considered the heavens for many years, studying the moon and the stars, which a God unknown to them had set in motion so they and the nations they represent might come to know Him and worship at His feet.

When we leave our comfortable, familiar environments to seek Jesus because we have heard his call, joy is always found and we cannot help but worship. Like the Magi we bow low before King Jesus in reverence and awe during this season, praying, “Lord, who am I that you took on flesh for me? What is man that you sacrificed your heavenly seat to save us?” We lay down our earthly crowns of popularity, wealth, and potential in light of his majesty and give him all we have, the greatest treasure of our hearts.

True life is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Do you know Him on a deep, intimate level? Have you seen His glory, His majesty, and has it brought you into joyful, authentic worship? It is the greatest joy to know Him! This joy is even greater than the fleeting joy of the holidays. This joy is sustaining, commanding, and will never disappoint. King Jesus wants a relationship with you, specifically, and is inviting you by name to come to the manger and behold his glory this season. We come to him in awe, obedience, and surrender because the King of all kings has made himself known to you and to me. Wow.

King Jesus, thank you for not staying mysterious and unreachable, but sacrificing the glory and honor you deserved in order for us to know you. Lead my heart to worship you in a deeper way this season. We love you. Amen!


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