Mystery of how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His Will

“God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19

One of the great mysteries of Christianity is that God uses imperfect people to accomplish His will. Deep down, we really believe that if we are good, then good things happen, and if we are bad, then bad things happen. What about when a person does something bad and a good thing is not taken away? You have seen it before. It is surprising how God allows King David in the Bible to maintain his role as King after he sleeps with another man’s wife and then has that man killed but takes away Saul’s kingship after he disobeys Him in taking the plunder from the Amalekites.

Which seems worse to you? Many of you are thinking David. In our culture, many religious people would have called for David’s resignation. Do bad things disqualify us from certain God assignments? Do only perfect people get the best job, spouse, or home? According to God’s standards, no. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that comes by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23). There are consequences for our sin, but God’s consequence may not match our perceptions.

David took responsibility for his actions and confessed his sin whereas Saul shifted the blame. The Lord in His grace forgave David’s sin and released him from the death penalty of his time for adultery and murder. What hope for us! When we confess our sin, Jesus forgives our sins and frees us from the penalty of our sins and gives us grace. Also, what a relief that God uses sinners to accomplish His will. Even after David greatly sinned, God still entrusted him to care for His people. God did not entrust him because he was more holy or accomplished but because he had a heart that sought after God in the good and bad times. He was a dependable man because He was dependent on God’s goodness and grace which enabled him to serve the people and accomplish God’s plans.

Tim Keller’s insight on the gospel reminds us that no one is too far from the love of God: “We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believed, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” Because of God’s love our sufficiency to serve is not based on our record but on Jesus’ record. So when you feel defeated or question another’s credibility to serve remember Jesus qualifies the unqualified.

As you have questions about faith, get in touch with us via email. We are here to help you explore Biblical answers.

-Mary Carmen Englert

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