Our Invitation into His Story on the Second Sunday after Epiphany

“They will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.” Isaiah 35:2

Sunday, January 15, 2017 commemorates the 2nd Sunday of the Epiphany season. Derived from Greek the word, epiphany means ‘manifestation’ or ‘revelation.’ Epiphany (commonly referred to as the Three Kings), or the 12th day after Christmas celebrates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist as well as the revelation of God in His Son, Jesus Christ, marked by the Magi’s visit to baby Jesus. The six Sundays following Epiphany recognize the specific manifestations of God’s glory or epiphanies through the life of Jesus.

The revelation of Jesus through the miracle of changing water to wine at a wedding in Cana is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany each year. As Jesus’ birth and his baptism, this event is a revelation of Jesus’ greater story through the cross. Well before the wedding feast ended, the wine ran out, so Jesus’ mother, Mary approaches him to see if he could do something about the situation. Jesus responds saying, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4) referring to the time when His blood will be poured out on the cross to save sinners.

Following Jesus’ direction, the servants filled jars used for ceremonial cleansing with water, and Jesus transformed the water into wine. The wine is a symbol of Jesus blood that will be poured out on the cross, and then the significance of the wedding at Cana occurring on the third day points to the resurrection of Jesus after three days on the cross. Just as this miracle reveals Jesus’ glory, the ultimate manifestation of God’s glory is seen in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. God is inviting us into His story through this event, so that we will see that we need a Savior and that through the shed blood of Jesus we might be an epiphany or a manifestation of His glory in the world.

Have you grown frustrated asking God for help in a particular area of your life that you have stopped asking? If so, what we learn first from this miracle is that Mary asked for Jesus help, so keep asking! Check out Rainey’s story in the Sacred Story collection as an encouragement to keep praying.

How can you focus more on listening to Jesus rather than talking in prayer or in the reading of His Word?

How can you make confession more part of your daily life?

The servants immediately did as Jesus asked though it might have seemed an unlikely solution. Are you missing God work in your life in a particular area because you continue to question Him or do not take the time to seek wisdom in the Bible? He might have already given you the answer but you have just not seen it yet.

What old patterns of your life do you need to bring to the cross?

How does your life reveal that you are a follower of Jesus Christ?

-Mary Carmen

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