Practice: Submission

“My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Lk 22:42)

Before Jesus’s crucifixion, his ultimate suffering that he did not deserve, Jesus asked for his suffering to be removed.  However, he ended with surrender to God and submission to God’s will for Him.

Starting in 2017, we entered some hard times.  We went through the grueling process of adopting our sweet baby boy, Yohan from Korea. Shortly after that Hurricane Harvey hit us covering half of our home outside with water.

We lived in four different homes with our 3 boys. One of my close friends suddenly passed away. Another was raped.  Both were bridesmaids in my wedding.

We poured a lot of money into house renovations related to Hurricane Harvey.  We could not sell our home that flooded.  One week after all of our Harvey related renovations were completed, my husband’s company merged with another company and as a result, he lost his job.

When my husband lost his job, we looked at each other and knew we only had one choice: to radically trust God as we submitted to His will for our lives. And so started a journey of God refining our faith under fire teaching us rest is not dependent on our circumstances but on submitting to God’s will for our lives.

God has lovingly taken our hearts and moved them to a position of worship. We are discovering a new way of living in the midst of hardship. We are experiencing great joy and peace that comes with submission to our loving and gracious Heavenly Father.

We cannot even begin to tell you the amazing things we have discovered about God during these times.  He is true to His Word and He is true to His character.  He does indeed go above and beyond all that we ask according to the power that works in us.  (Eph. 3:20)

There are many things we cannot control in our lives. However, we can submit to God’s will for our lives knowing faith delights Him. He will take care of you and He loves you.

~Edna Lee

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