Practice: Worship

Psalm 84:10, “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

As my husband and I were walking in downtown Houston we were admiring some of the beautiful new hotels. Looking inside, we could see beautiful marble floors, crystal chandeliers, beautiful architecture and expensive interior design. It was so beautiful I could almost feel velvet between my fingers. The inviting hotel made us internally salivate for rest, enjoyment and status.

As we peeled our faces away from the window and came to stark reality that rain was starting to pour down on our uncovered heads, we hurriedly walked past the hotel and waved to the proud, smiling guardsman by the front door. As I looked back at the beautiful hotel sighing at the stark contrast it was from my exhausting, black and white life as a mother to 3 boys, my husband Kevin said, “See that guardsman? See how proud he is to be in the presence of that hotel? That is what it’s like to be a guardsman at the house of God.”

Then he quoted Psalm 84:10, “For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” As I looked at Kevin I could see how proud and fulfilled he was though he was just as exhausted as I was if not more because he was jobless.

I will never forget that picture. I will never forget that moment when my longing for rest, enjoyment and significance were satisfied because I was invited into the house of God. I will never forget my husband’s face glowing with worship despite his unemployment because he knew his status in Christ.

God’s house will be a million times more glorious than the most beautiful hotel in the world. In Revelation 21, it says the city will be made of pure gold, clear as crystal and the walls will be built with jasper and other precious stones. The gates will be made with solid pearl. The city will not need sun or the moon because the glory of God will shine on it.

It will be glorious and you and I will be invited to enter into rest, peace and enjoyment for all eternity! Though we have not entered the city yet, God has spiritually invited us into His home through a relationship with Him. It is through this relationship that we can experience joy and peace which leads to worship regardless of our circumstances.

Have you accepted His divine invitation?
Edna Lee

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