Resolutely Now

“However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

My desire is to know the end from the beginning. I begin every project with the end in mind. There is always a goal, always a finish line. But God says, fix your eyes on me, the author and perfecter of your faith. Author and perfecter also translate to founder and completer. I didn’t create faith and I can’t complete it. I can only walk in it. But what does that look like?

I’m still rattled by the question God asked from deep within my soul back in January, “Will I find faith on the earth.” Isn’t it interesting to imagine our Creator’s eyes roaming the earth looking for faith? When He finds it, what does it look like? I’m on a quest this year to make sure faith is found in me. Will you journey with me? How is faith found in you?

If I’ve learned anything about God, I know that when he asks a question, he already knows the answer. His questions are used to shake me out of my way of thinking and lead me to His word for the answer. The journey through the Bible to find the answer is like taking a walk with God. I see things I’ve never seen before and peace prevails over the pursuit for the answer. I suspect this is what He is after all along.

Two words jump off the pages of Luke 9: Resolutely. Now.

When Jesus set out for Jerusalem, “He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.” Another version reads, “He resolutely set out for…”

Faith goes resolutely. I must resolutely set out for…not knowing the full picture, but knowing my Shepherd.

When Jesus was calling his disciples, “Follow me”, a few hesitated and made what I think are very reasonable requests. One asked to first go bury his father. Another wanted to tell his family goodbye. Faith responded, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”  Ouch.

Faith acts now.  Faith looks forward.  Fear looks back.  Faith goes now.  Fear hesitates. Hesitation is the first steps towards retreat.

Do you want a safe life that makes sense to world, or would you rather grab a hold of faith with both hands and never look back?

Lord, let faith be found in me, resolutely, now.

What is holding you back from the best that could be?

In His Unfailing Love,


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