Take Me On A New Adventure

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16

Early one morning familiar laughter burst into my room, covered my eyes with a blindfold and swept me away with other captives in our pajamas. Apprehension about what was happening or where we were going was overshadowed by one thing: I knew I was part of something special. I was part of an exciting adventure, high school drill team tradition. Our blindfolds were removed and we celebrated the beginning of our new season at the local do-nut shop.

Are you thirsty for a new season? When was the last time you went on an adventure? I’m thirsty for a new season and recently had a dream about it. I’m ready Lord. Now what?

I caught myself taking inventory of my natural resources, preparing my own strength, developing all of the possible scenarios and mapping out plans to fit each one. Diligent in my own strength, I might miss God entirely. It’s time to put on the blindfold of faith. Sometimes we have to blindfold our eyes from the earth to explore the possibilities of heaven.

King David won many battles. He trusted the Lord and watched him move on behalf of the Israelites in battle after battle to provide victory after victory. He knew firsthand the God of faithfulness. Satan knew that if he could get David to turn his focus from the supernatural to the natural he would fall. So, he prompted David to conduct a census of his fighting men.

Even though “The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went” he began to count his resources. It was as if he were measuring his own strength and calculating his ability to win the next battle, when the battle was always the Lord’s and the victories were always delivered by the hand of God, not David. This transition from faith in supernatural God to faith in a large number of natural men angered God. As a result of counting over a million fighting men, 70,000 Israelites were killed by the angel of the Lord. God’s punishment was as fierce as his love.

The eyes of the Lord roam the earth, seeking someone to whom he can show himself faithful. He found a heart like his in David. Against all odds and natural sense, he made David the greatest king in all history. They went on many adventures together. When David took off his blindfold of faith and failed in his natural strength, he was corrected, restored to God, and the adventures continued.

The Lord is faithful to his faithful and he wants to take us on amazing, supernatural adventures.

When you cover your eyes and imagine the possibilities of heaven, what do you see?

Are you willing to let the God of heaven blindfold your eyes, lead you on a new adventure, turn your darkness into light and make the rough places smooth?

In His Unfailing Love,

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