The Cross: My White Flag

“That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10

Almost every great war movie ends with a white flag raised by the defeated. The drum beats rise and the credits roll. The winners and losers are clearly defined and we’re inspired by the heroes who never quit.

The final battle scene between God and Satan at Golgotha ended with the raising of the sacrificial Lamb of God on the cross, the most torturous death known to man. But Jesus’ final cry of “It is finished” was no white flag at all. When He drew his last breath and gave up his spirit, an earthquake ripped through the land as the veil separating the Holy of Holies in the temple was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51).

Jesus conquered sin and death that separated us from God. Satan’s plan to destroy the Son of Man was all part of the perfect plan to reconcile you and me as sons and daughters of the Most High God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). After Satan’s defeat, he turned his attention to the battle ground of your heart. He can’t destroy Jesus, but he can distract you from believing in Him.

Here’s how.

Life expects us to carry more than we were designed to carry alone. Yet, the world tells us “Quitters never win.” So we press on in our own strength, moving from failure to failure, sometimes fatefully interrupted by a futile victory. This is not the abundant life Jesus died to give you. Living the best you can with the knowledge of this earth is a distraction technique used by the enemy, the prince of this world (John 14:30). How could the best of this earth ever compete with the infinite knowledge of the Creator of everything in it?

When you accept the cross of Christ as eternal payment for your sins, the Holy Spirit of God takes up residency in your heart. You are never alone. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil 4:13). Satan’s plan over your life is defeated. This is why he works so hard to distract you from consuming the truth of the cross as your surrender to your own strength.

“When I am weak then I am strong.” What does it feel like to rest in weakness, knowing that you are actually becoming stronger in Him? It tastes like freedom. When I reach the end of my strength, I reach the end of me. I find myself free from my own will because I have none left.God allows this life to give you daily more than you can handle. He asks his faithful to go places we can’t go on our own. He allows us to traverse trials too great for us, but not for Him. All for His glory.

Life is sweetest at the point of surrender. Why wait until the point of failure for surrender? It takes courage to choose God’s strength before your own. Surrendering your own will for God’s will is not cowardice. It is courageous. What are you fighting in your own strength?   ~Brandi

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