The Faith Test

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45 NKJV

Thank you for going on a faith journey with me this year. Now, it’s time for a faith test.

Do you really believe that all you are working for will work out?  It seems like an easy yes, but look a little deeper.  When you work hard for something you assume there is a possibility that it will work out.  Otherwise, why would you invest the time and effort? I thought my faith was soaring at a 10 out of 10 until until something actually worked out and I was stunned.  Why was I stunned that the highest and best possible outcome actually happened?  Do I pour out my life with the expectation it won’t go well?  Then, why all this effort?  What good is faith if you don’t walk in the peace of true expectation.

When the angel appear to Mary and told her she would be the mother of the Savior of the world, her reaction was pure belief.  In my speak, she responded, “Let’s do this.”  Her faith was a 10 out of 10.  I get her.  At the beginning of a recent journey where I know I hear the Lord call me out into a new season far beyond my expectation and own ability, I believed.  I acted on it.  Then, the journey got long.  The initial excitement of the new adventure morphed into work, a lot of work.  I began working out a God-sized dream in my own strength, and apparently my expectation faded.

Now it’s time to test everything I claim to believe.

  1. Do I really believe in heaven?  The answer is in my view of death. Do I fear it, or not?
  2. Do I really believe the Lord works out all things for my good and His glory? The answer is in my worry, or freedom from it.  What am I worried about?
  3. Do I believe “there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told [to me] from the Lord?”  The answer is in my restlessness, or rest.  Am I at rest in His great peace, or wrestling with myself?

How will you respond to good news?

Take the faith test and continue the great adventure!

In His Unfailing Love,




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