“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
It is interesting to me how the uncertainty in life makes me sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see.
I am certain I did not create myself; therefore, I am certain there is a Creator greater than I. I did not decide when to be born; therefore, I will not worry about when I will die. The One who brought me here will take me home.
I am certain the journey I’m traveling right now is not my own. Just as starting a company was not my idea, I can’t take credit for its success. I did not create my life. Why do I try to control it so desperately?
I am certain I can hone a skill but cannot choose my gifts. I am certain I can choose to live out of my gifts and lay down the uncertainly of how it will all play out.
I am certain the desires of my heart germinate from the seed of the Father who resides there. I plan my way and God confirms my steps. He also tells me when and where to stop. I listen, mostly.
I am certain my life has not turned out like I planned, but it is for my good and God’s glory. Because like any good Father, His plans for me are good.
I am certain God’s thoughts are higher than mine, and the weight of worry leads me nowhere.
I am certain unforgiveness is a heavy load and forgiveness is freedom.
I am certain vengeance is the Lord’s and He fights my battles better than I.
I am certain there are things in this life that I will never understand, and my trust in Him gives Him great joy.
I am certain I was a very judgmental person until I walked roads I never wanted to travel. While I don’t like some of my current circumstances, I dislike more the person I was before.
I am certain fear paralyzes and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
I am certain it feels better to give than to receive.
I am certain what the Holy Spirit of God nudges me to do in this life feels awkward to my natural flesh but releases the supernatural supply of heaven.
I’m certain when I first held my daughter and my heart was overwhelmed with love for her, I heard God’s voice whisper, “Now do know how much I love you?”
I am certain my faith is most childlike when I look at the stars. I am uncertain of how many there are and how far they go. He is big and I am small. I am certain that God’s incomprehensible creativity and power is proven by science.
I am certain the supernatural is more real than the natural. I have experienced the supernatural peace of God in the most frightening natural circumstances.
I am certain there is good and evil. I know it best by my own desires.
I am certain I cannot make atonement for my sins. Me covering my own sins has only led to more.
I am certain there is life beyond this life and a man who walked here 2000 years told us how to get there. Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (John 14:6, Acts 2:21)
He is the sacrificial Lamb of God who took my place on the cross, making atonement for my sins. I am certain that because he conquered death on my behalf, I will too.
I am certain there were over 500 witnesses that saw him after he was resurrected and it only takes the testimony of 12 witnesses to determine the fate of the accused in our legal system today.
I am certain that indifference is the true opposite of love and it’s easier to be dismissive of the truth of God than to embrace that which requires faith.
I am uncertain of what lies ahead but certain I am not alone. So, while I’m here, I will run the race set before me with great joy in a strength that is not my own.
If I am wrong about the saving power and love of Jesus Christ, I am certain I’m living the most extraordinary life and will die without regret.