Waking up to the Real Battle

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” -Eph. 6:2

In his brilliant book, The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis records an imagined conversation between a high ranking demon and his nephew, a demon apprentice, as the two seek to sway a man’s soul away from pursuing God. They use clever tactics and deception in their ruthless attempt to steer their subject away from the safety of God’s truth and toward ultimate peril.

Worth reading, The Screwtape Letters effectively wakes us up to the unseen, but very real forces hovering around us all. Whether or not we believe it, there is a cosmic battle raging on in the angelic realm. God’s angels and Satan’s demons are at war- and we are all caught in the middle of it. What are we to do?

Acknowledging the war is only half the battle. We have to engage; sitting on the sidelines isn’t an option. We must fight by girding ourselves with the truth. When we fill our minds with the things of God by reading and meditating on God’s Word, we leave little room for the enemy to deceive us with lies.

In the book, Screwtape (the senior devil) says,“It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.” We are all prone to spiritual complacency at times; however, when we realize what is at stake, we must wake up and understand that without a solid, steady diet of truth we will be much more vulnerable to the enemy’s clever schemes.

This week has been a heavy one for me. My dear father-in-law seems to be approaching the final rounds of a courageous battle with cancer. In addition, I’ve watched my childhood friend, Ashley Estes Kavanaugh, faithfully stand by her husband, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, on a worldwide stage.

Both of these situations have caused me to ponder the reality of spiritual warfare. Although my heart breaks as I watch my father-in-law, I also find hope in that he is nearer the end of his suffering and closer to meeting His Savior face to face. When that happens, he will no longer have to battle the forces of evil corrupting this world. He will be at peace in the presence of Jesus.

In the other situation, my heart has broken over and over as I’ve watched a family friend suffer unimaginably while our country fights and rips itself in two over the Supreme Court confirmation process. It is impossible to deny there is a spiritual battle going on, regardless of which side you choose. But I have hope in knowing that all authority is established by God.

In all circumstances, including death and suffering, we must remember who sits on the throne. Since God is in control, we can be faithful and not lose hope. Proverbs 15:13 tells us, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” He is omniscient and He is sovereign- nothing happens without His knowledge. Job 42:2 reminds us God’s plans cannot be thwarted. Indeed the battle rages, but more importantly, our Redeemer lives.

What are you battling today? Do not grow weary. You are not alone. If you are a believer in Christ, you stand in victory already through His completed work on the cross. Trust in Him for all things. Stand firm in truth. The battle is His.


P.S. Don’t miss next week when Mary Carmen will begin talking about the armor of God and the crucial elements we need as we face the battle each and every day.




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