Word of the Year: Possible

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

I was enjoying dinner with girlfriends after Christmas. As we sat eating tasty Torchy’s Tacos, we talked about Christmas gifts, new movies, and 2018. That’s when the idea of a “word” came up. The intention is to ask God to give you a word to help define how you want to grow in character and know Him better through the year.

My friends talked about their chosen words as discipline and sacrifice. I jokingly replied that their words are so noble, I will choose greed just to offset them. I didn’t have my word and begin thinking about what word will help me trust the Lord in 2018.

I thought about the word “miracle” as I pondered what I am hoping for in my love relationship with the Lord. I long to have fresh experiences in my story of God turning the things that seem impossible into the possible. I battle being spiritually sluggish (for that matter, physically as well- that could be another theme word for my year: “Movement”). I want a refreshing wind to blow over my soul.

When Jesus spoke the words above in Matthew 16, He was referring to the rich man being willing to follow Jesus and surrender his possessions which represented his priorities in life. Jesus expressed that riches hinder a person from coming to Him as it’s very difficult for those insulated by wealth to see their need for His saving grace. When the disciples asked Him “Who can be saved?” Jesus replies, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Possible. What comes to mind? I think of “able,” “doable.”  The official Merriam Webster’s definition is, “being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization.” Let’s take each of those.

Ability. Are there things I don’t seem “able” to do? Even when intellectually I know I can. For instance, can I wake up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to spend more my time with God and His Word? It sounds simple but God’s Spirit makes it possible for me to have discipline to go to bed and wake up earlier. I’ll keep you posted.

Capacity. Are there people who are in need of God’s love but I feel so limited to give it? Is there ministry which seems like I don’t have the capacity to tackle? God’s love can flow through me even when I want to give up. I can continue to pray for and love those who seem far from Him and believe God’s Spirit is moving. I am hopeful to begin a Bible study with those I live around because God can make it possible when my time is limited and people are busy. I am prayerful Sacred Story will grow beyond my capacity because God is able.

Realization. Are there things that I’ve put out of my mind as being possible? Dreams, goals, or possibilities I don’t consider anymore because either I’ve tried many times to tackle a thing and it’s not been successful or I feel like my circumstances limit something as possible. Personally, I think about financial, relational, and physical goals. Can I renew my vision to see some things that have been hard as possible through Christ? Also, I’ve had a desire to make an impact internationally on those who are living very difficult stories. I’ve had the joy and privilege of traveling to Athens, Greece in the last few years to give into the lives of refugees. God, are there dreams You have that I have not considered?

Sacred Sisters, I covet your prayers for me to experience the God who makes all things possible. Leave a comment below with what you desire to see as possible; I’d also love to hear if you have a word or phrase for 2018 so I can pray with you.



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