I Will Dance Again

I Will Dance Again

Vickie’s Story: My first husband and I lived on old farmland in the Midwest with deer on our property. We enjoyed spending time outside with our dogs and cooking on the grill. During the summer, I suddenly woke up one morning with incredible neck and back pain,...
Warm Fuzzies

Warm Fuzzies

Linda’s Story: My childhood home didn’t necessarily overflow with warm fuzzies.There were many fun times with my father, but my mother suffered from undiagnosed mental illness that caused all of us to walk on eggshells. I knew my parents loved me in their own...

Is It Wrong to Have Longings?

“My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.” Psalm 119:20 I live in a constant state of longing. I can’t think of a time when I did not long for something. On the outside we try to appear like everything is good because we want to portray that we are...

Does God Care About What I Like?

Psalm 145:19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them  “Lord, please show me again that You know what I like.” My weary heart whispered. With the majority of my things in storage I had been living with a friend...

When Restorative Justice is not Possible

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24) I am grateful for the efforts that are happening today for victims and offenders of crime to experience healing and reconciliation. When I worked as a...