Like a Beautiful Vase

Like a Beautiful Vase

Erica’s Story: I like to compare my story to a beautiful vase. I met the perfect guy to restore my broken family’s story. As the cute, Christian couple we dated six and a half years, saving ourselves for marriage. We began trying to conceive in our sixth year of...


Christine’s Story: My husband turned to face me, “Are you thinking of harming yourself?”   Looking down, I whispered, “Yes.” My overwhelming sense of brokenness fostered a steady decent into depression. I asked Jesus into my heart as a child. Doesn’t that make...
A Military Wife

A Military Wife

Jamie’s Story: I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was standing in the kitchen sorting the mail when my husband walked in to share the news. “I got the orders today. Our unit is being deployed to Afghanistan.” “What do you mean?” I said as if responding...
Cyberbullying: My Invisible Enemy

Cyberbullying: My Invisible Enemy

Taeler’s Story: At Christmas time I started to receive messages on social media that were meant to harm me. Called a slut and a whore, I heard many other statements about my sexuality that still make me too sick to verbalize. What made the situation worse, is...
Letting Go of My Guilt

Letting Go of My Guilt

Terri’s Story: I wasted 28 years allowing shame to control me. I hid myself in places I thought God wouldn’t see – outside the walls of my church, inside the walls of a wine bottle or a bar or a sham of a marriage. I didn’t realize it then, but God was in every...
Warm Fuzzies

Warm Fuzzies

Linda’s Story: My childhood home didn’t necessarily overflow with warm fuzzies.There were many fun times with my father, but my mother suffered from undiagnosed mental illness that caused all of us to walk on eggshells. I knew my parents loved me in their own...