From the Middle East

From the Middle East

Below are snapshots of the stories from women who live in a restricted area in the Middle East as told through a translator to Laura Wilcox, the director of Sacred Story. Their identities are confidential. Please pray for these precious women who encounter many...
Will I lose business?

Will I lose business?

Erika’s Story: Around 2010 Robb and I had lived through this faith-increasing year where God was very obviously blessing us and doing things in us. This was no “dark night of the soul.”  Indeed, it was a ‘mountain top’ kind of year.  This is why it was hard to...
Finding My Security

Finding My Security

Joye’s Story: My husband, Don, and I met and married in San Diego, CA in 1971. After our wedding, we moved to his small hometown of Borger in the Texas Panhandle so that he could join his Dad in the road construction business. We lived lifestyles that reflected the...
What’s the Point?

What’s the Point?

Judy’s Story: Chris was the cutest boy I had ever laid eyes on and I was sitting right next to him in the back of his mom’s station wagon. I remember it like yesterday. We were headed for the beach and someone started singing the song Jesus loves me. As a...

How Could Jesus Be the Real Messiah?

Rachel’s* Story: I grew up Jewish and am actually the first American in my family. My grandfather came from Poland and my Russian grandma was a holocaust survivor. My father is Israeli, and then there’s my Jewish mother who is a Canadian, ay. I learned about my...

My Tap on the Shoulder

Amy’s Story: My tap-on-the-shoulder story happened on a day that started out very exciting. I was preparing for a photo shoot. A big shoot. Lots of ladies! My co-photographer had arranged for us to pick up a light which was an essential piece of equipment....