Sacred Story’s Library of Inspiring Women’s Stories
Sister we are in this together. Our library contains encouraging stories from women who, like you, walk through chapters of questioning, grieving, loving, hoping, and surrendering. We pray you will pass on stories because hope is contagious. Our Teaching Moments offer perspective about living your story in light of God’s Word. We love to hear how you are impacted by what you read.
Have a question about faith, want to share a comment or a prayer request? The team at Sacred Story Ministries cares about your questions and needs.
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Safely Home with Jesus
Phyllis's story: As 2020 dawned, the new year brought significant changes in the health of my 89-year-old mother. She was experiencing the increasing effects of dementia and painful bone-on-bone contact in her knee, resulting in her transition to a wheelchair. My...
Free from Overachieving
While I was growing up, my family didn’t have extra money. My little-girl brain translated our situation into a need to help my family and prove my value by accomplishments. My ambitious drive showed up most noticeably in my childhood sport as a competitive...
A New Heart
Jerrie's Story: When I was little, Mom and Dad would hold my hands and lift me off the ground as we crossed a wooden bridge from the parking lot to our church. I loved the sound when I clomped down and hit the wooden boards with my shoes. I would squeal with...
Reckless Words
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 “You will never amount to anything!” “Can’t you do anything right?” “That was a stupid answer!” These were just a few of the messages I heard repeated...
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Marissa's Story: On August 22, 2018, our daughter Alice was diagnosed with cancer. She was four years old. We had known for a couple of weeks something was wrong, but when we took her in for tests that day we were not expecting to find a tumor. And we were definitely...
Seen by Jesus
Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “Nazareth! Can anything good come...
Health and Life in God’s Hands
Marianne's story: In November 2017, I contracted the flu, which set off an autoimmune response in my body. Even after I recovered from the flu, I was tired and achy all the time. The sporadic nerve pain symptoms I had experienced since childhood were now...
Ashes of Abuse Traded for Beauty
I grew up as a second-generation Chinese-American. My parents were immigrants who had worked hard to come to the United States hoping for a better life, including high hopes and dreams for their children. As a result, my mom was determined my sisters and I...
Still Waters of Peace
Heidi's Story: I felt like David in Psalm 23: my cup overflowed, and God was leading me to still waters. So what if I had had an abusive childhood, jumped right into an abusive marriage, lost my second husband in a helicopter crash, raised a disabled child mostly...
Empty Hands and God’s Goodness
Rachel's Story: After having two boys biologically, my husband and I sensed God’s call to pursue adoption. We first researched foster-to-adopt, but my husband’s job as a small-town pediatrician often involved foster cases and presented a conflict of interest. Instead,...
Trusting God’s Arms
Jennifer's Story: The steps creaked beneath my feet. My heels dangled off the edge of the platform. I crossed my arms over my chest. Inhale. Exhale. I leaned backwards. And I dropped. I watched the world spin as I fell six feet into the arms of my friends. My life has...
Words Kill and Words Heal
Patty's Story: When he was four, my oldest child leaned over to his preschool Bible teacher and whispered, “Jesus never un-loves us.” This wisdom imparted to me from my own son continues to sing over me six years later. Sadly, the earliest words I heard were confusing...
Frequently Asked Questions
Are these stories all true?
Yes, that’s the amazing thing about our library!
Do these stories come from time spent at your women’s retreats?
Sacred Story Retreats provide a proven framework to help a woman explain how faith in Jesus Christ impacts her life. Because we provide follow-up editing and help a woman finalize her story, many of the stories in our library are submitted from women who attended retreats.
Is there a way I can reach out to an author if I want to connect at a deeper level about her story?
Yes, we love to help women connect, so they know they are not alone. Usually, authors of stories are happy to talk with other women with questions. Please get in touch through the “Leave a Question or Prayer Request” option on this page.
Can I share an inspirational story without attending a Sacred Story retreat?
Yes, please get in touch with us at contact@
Who writes your inspirational stories?
The stories are written by brave yet ordinary women like you.
Are all your inspirational stories written by Christian women?
We believe hope in Jesus Christ changes everything, so yes, the stories in our library are written by those who have witnessed His power and faithfulness. If you would like to talk further about how faith in Christ can make a difference in your story, please get in touch through the “Leave a Question or Prayer Request” option.