Praise: God is Wise

Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them? For from his and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:33-16

Come and praise the Lord for his infinite wisdom, power, and knowledge with me! What an awesome and holy God we serve, all together lovely, beautiful, and glorious. Today let’s find sustaining rest in a deeper understanding of his character as we long to live fully in his presence.

Wisdom is the characteristic of God which invites us to trust him in all circumstances. God always acts out of wisdom: our current circumstances are working towards a good that will lead to future glory. Romans 8:28 speaks to this, “and we know that in all things God work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This is God’s wisdom at play!  All of God’s acts are executed with flawless precision towards his divine goals. Better solutions to the world’s greatest problems and deepest questions could not be imagined. When wrestling with the deep questions and brokenness of this world, let us turn with trust to the God of all wisdom who we know is perfectly executing his redemption of this world.

The wisdom of God can be seen vibrantly in the tendons and sinews of Creation itself, while simultaneously in weaving its way through the fabric of the redemptive story of humanity- our sacred stories. When is a time in your life when you can see the wisdom of God? Are there circumstances where you can look back and see the Lord working for a deeper good?

Are you perhaps in the midst of a valley right now, in need of remembering the Lord is with you and is working for his greatest glory and your greatest good?

I was very encouraged reading Jennifer’s story about God’s redeeming work in addiction, and his unending love for his daughters.

Let us come to the Almighty, who has graciously revealed his character to us, and hear him say, “What I am is all that need matter to you, for there lie your hope and your peace. I will do what I will do, and it will all come to light at last, but how I do it is My secret. Trust Me, and be not afraid.” (Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy)

With Love, Emma

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